UberEats, GrubHub, and DoorDash Sales Went Crazy

DoorDash driver making a delivery during pandemic wearing a face mask
Artwork by Anthony Faust
DoorDash driver making a delivery during pandemic wearing a face mask

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the United States, one industry that saw a sudden and dramatic increase in demand was food delivery. Services like Grubhub, DoorDash, and Uber Eats experienced a surge in popularity as people looked for ways to have their meals delivered to their homes.

But why was there such a sudden surge in demand for food delivery? To understand this phenomenon, we must examine the changes that the pandemic brought about in our daily lives.

As the virus spread, people were advised to stay home and practice social distancing to slow its spread. This meant that restaurants were forced to close their doors or switch to takeout and delivery only.

At the same time, people were feeling anxious and uncertain about the future. The prospect of cooking meals from scratch was daunting, and people were flush with cash from the stimulus. The idea of leaving the house to go grocery shopping was unappealing.

Enter food delivery services. With the tap of a finger, people were able to have their favorite meals delivered straight to their doors. This convenience was particularly appealing to those who were working from home or had young children to care for.

The demand for food delivery was not limited to just restaurants. Grocery delivery services like Instacart also saw a surge in popularity, as people looked for ways to have their groceries delivered rather than risk going to the store in person.

For the food delivery companies, this sudden surge in demand was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, they were seeing record levels of business, but as competitors entered the space, and it was a challenge to implement safety measures for everyone.

Despite these challenges, the food delivery industry was one of the bright spots in an otherwise bleak economic landscape. And as the pandemic ended, these services continued to be a popular choice for people looking for convenient and safe ways to have their meals delivered.

"This book will make you laugh and feel ALL the feelings."

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"One of the most delightful reads of this year! I highly recommend."

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"A great coffee table book. Easy to pick up read."

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"Great coffee table conversation starter."

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"Funny and fun to read. What a fun way to put the pandemic in perspective."

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Picture of author Anthony Faust

About the Author

My life as a husband and father transformed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sent home from work in March 2020, I've yet to return to the office. Adapting to the new pandemic world proved challenging for us all.

However, we managed to find silver linings. Drive-by birthdays brought joy to my kids' friends. I'll never forget stumbling upon a heartfelt hand-painted rock during my jog, reminding us that we're all in this together. Regular Zoom happy hours with close friends created cherished memories.

While quality time with my family was a blessing, we also faced hurdles. Assisting my youngest daughter with frustrating math homework on a poorly designed iPad app tested our patience. Both girls struggled with wearing masks during sports and school.

Sadly, witnessing COVID-19 being politicized and witnessing the closure of small businesses while the wealthy thrived was disheartening.

I wrote this book to document our experiences, learning from them and striving for better decisions in the future. Join me on this rewarding journey of resilience and growth.

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